Mold & Candida Colonization Package - Children's

US$191.00 US$172.00

Mold & Candida Colonization Starter Package - Children's


This provides a 10% savings over each product purchased separately



The Mold / Candida Colonization Package for Children is a combination of antimicrobial botanical supplements known to be effective in eradicating colonized mold or candida in the GI tract. This package provides a 2–3 month supply depending on the age and weight of the child. The first 3 supplements** should be dosed – one at a time – for one week each (in order listed below) before rotating through each antimicrobial supplement until finished (Grapefruit Seed Extract will last much longer than 3 months). The rotation method is recommended to prevent resistance. Continue this protocol for a minimum of 2 months and 3-4 months may be necessary for complete success.

**CoreBiotic should not be rotated, but given daily during the entire course of the treatment. It is recommended that colonized mold be treated before moving to the Advanced Mycotoxin Treatment Protocol.


Includes: Suggested Dosage Instructions:
2 bottles of Candida Yeast Formula 3x daily by weight with food (see instructions)
1 bottle of AlliMax Liquid 3-5 drops, 2x daily with meals
1 bottle of Grapefruit Seed Extract Liquid 3-5 drops, 2x daily in water or diluted juice
1 bottle of CoreBiotic ½ - 1 cap, 1x daily before bed, away from binders



To download a fillable worksheet to create a dosing schedule, click HERE.






These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.