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Why You Should Stop Using Canola Oil

26 August 2013
Are you still using Canola oil? If you are, you may want to rethink that. For years there has been more and more data coming out about this "healthy" oil that leads many to believe these claims are false and this product is something to avoid. Recently Dr. Josh Axe came out with this article against Canola oil. If you haven't read it, I would encourage you to do so. We've had to significantly limit almost all pre-packaged foods because they almost always contain Canola oil, including most of the commercial gluten free products. It is something I do not feel comfortable having in my family's diet on a regular basis. There are quite a few concerns about this particular oil's safety. I feel that there has been a lot of dishonesty in the marketing of this product, especially in their "No Trans Fats" claim. I would urge you to do your own research on this topic and decide whether you feel comfortable including this in your diet and the diet of your children and loved ones.

Dr. Axe gives some recommendations for alternatives. I highly recommend coconut oil, it is a wonderful option for many health reasons. It contains medium chain triglycerides which improve mitochondrial function, help your body burn more fat and it has many brain benefits as well. But above all I encourage you to be informed about what goes into your body!

To your health,
New Beginnings Nutritionals


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